- If you are going to produce Guy-grip/Dead-Ends products, if you are going to participate in the bidding of preformed line products project, if you want to purchase transmission line pa rods manufacturing equipments/machines, please contact us, a full set of equipments and technical services, Help you set up a complete qualified armour rods/tension clamps production line.
- Armour Rods/Tension Clamps OEM service, customized acceptable, Laser marking your logo acceptable, factory price directly, qualified preformed line products manufactured according to your requirement, Helps you greatly increase profits.

The main function of the armour rods is to protect conductors/strands against bending, compression, abrasion and arcover damage and to provide restorative repair. They are usually installed in the suspension points.

denomination that together with the number of rods, diameter, length and colour code, will allow us to recognize the accessory.
In spanish Varilla de Protección, in English Armour Rods, with two letters meaning the raw material which they are made from. AL (Aleación de Aluminio= Aluminium Alloy), AC (Acero Galvanizado=galvanized steel), AW (Aluminium Clad Steel-ACS), CW (Copper Clad Steel-CCS), AA (Acero aluminizado=Aluminized steel), and with two series of three numbers, they show the diameter range of the specified conductor.
Example: VPAL 093-099 is an aluminium alloy armour rods for a cable with a diameter range from 9,31 to 9,90 mm.
Besides, like it has been indicated, the colour code for the fitting, is the central mark, it is given to facilite the assembly. This denomination is completed with the letter D (Derechas=right hand lay) or I (Izquierda=left hand lay) depending on the direction of lay of conductor.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fittings must be identical to the outer layer of the specified conductor.
Finish and Appearance he rods of the fitting are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the assembly and to the specified conductor. Refacing of the ends is made by abrasion in the rods up to 4,62 mm. When the rods are of aluminium and the diameter is major or equal to 5,18 mm, are BALL- ENDED rods.These rods can be made with PARROT BILL ENDED rods, if the electric line requires this type of end for corona protection.
Each set of rods are tied with a ribbon of same colour of the colour code. When the rods are intended for the biggest diameters, they are tied with a plastic clamp, and identified with its colour code.
All solutions in armour rods:
Armour rods Aluminium alloy armour rods -for Aluminium, Aluminium-Steel, Aluminium-ACS- Galvanized steel armour rods -for steel cables or strands- Aluminium clad steel (ACS) armour rods -For ACS conductors- Copper clad steel (CCS) armour rods -for copper conductors- Repair sleeve when damage is 25% of the outer layer. Line guards For Aluminium, Aluminium Alloy, Aluminium-Steel, Aluminum-ACS Alloy Conductors

The dead-ends have the main function to fix a pole the cables, conductors, strands, structures, insulators, etc. The area of the loop always must be protect with a suitable thimble, pulley, insulator etc.
Retención de Anclaje (dead end in English) with two letters meaning the raw material which they are made from, AL (Aleación de aluminio=Aluminium alloy), AC (Acero galvanizado=Galvanized steel), AW (Aluminium Clad Steel-ACS), CW (Copper Clad Steel-CCS), AA (Acero aluminizado=Aluminized steel), following with some numbers, they show the suitable diameter for which it has been made. As you can see in the attached tables each dead end has a suitable diameter range. The dead ends for aluminium, aluminium-steel, aluminium-ACS conductors are not identified like this way. Its denomination is RALAA.
Example: RAAC 073-077/Izda (left) is a steel dead end for a cable with a diameter from 7,30 to 7,70 mm for a cable left hand lay.
Besides the colour code of the fitting is the crossover marks, indicate starting point for application. This denomination is completed with the letter D if it is right hand lay, or with the letter I if it is left hand lay.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fitting must be identical, to the outer layer of the specified conductor.
Finish and Appearance The rods of the helical dead-ends are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to the specified cable.
The inside of the dead end is gritted with a non-slip material under Saprem specification ESP 06.01.08.
All solutions in dead ends:
Galvanized steel dead end -For steel cables or strands- Aluminized steel distribution-grip dead end -For Aluminium, Aluminium-Steel, Aluminum-ACS Conductors- Copper-clad steel anchor (CCS) dead end -for copper conductors- Aluminium clad steel (ACS) dead end -for ACS cables or strands-

Double loop a pole dead end TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The double loop dead ends have the main function to fix a pole with the cables or strands by double round (double loop).

“Retención de Amarre a Poste”= Double loop a pole dead end with two letters meaning the raw material they are made from. AC (Acero galvanizado=galvanized steel), AW (ACS), following with the numbers showing the suitable diameter for which it has been made. As you can see in the attached tables each (SEE PDF document) double loop a pole dead end has a diameter range for the application. Is necessary to know the diameter of the pole in which is going to be fixed.
Example: RAPAC 073-077/Izda is a double loop a pole galvanized steel dead end for a cable with a diameter from 7,30 to 7,70 mm, and with left hand lay. Besides the colour code of the fitting , it is marked the crossover marks, indicate starting point for application in the cable.
This denomination is completed with the letter D if it is right hand lay or with the letter I if it is left hand lay.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fitting must be identical, to the outer layer of the specified conductor.
Finish and Appearance The rods of these dead end are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to the specified cable. The double loop a pole dead end is gritted inside with a non-slip material in the contact area.
ALUMINIUM ALLOY DEAD END COATED WITH NEOPRENE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The aluminium alloy dead ends coated have the main function to fix the messeger cable to a pole, to the structure, front of a house, etc. The area of the loop always must be protected with a suitable thimble.

Retención de Anclaje Neutro fiador de Aluminio=Dead end coated for aluminium neutral coated messenger cable with some numbers indicating the suitable diameter, for which it has been made.
Example: RANAL 12,65 is a dead end for a neutral coated cable with a exterior diameter of 12,65 mm. This cable is the D-54,6.
Finish and Appearance The rods of the fittings are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to the specified cable. All the dead ends are gritted inside a non-slip material. In the same way the dead ends are coated with neoprene.

SIDE TIES. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The side ties have the main function to fix the conductor, to the lateral groove of the insulator.
Retención Lateral Omega = Side tie, with two letters meaning the raw material which they are made from, AL (Aleac. aluminio=Aluminium alloy), AC (Acero galvanizado=galvanized steel), AW (ACS), CW (CCS), AA (Acero aluminizado=aluminized steel), following with some numbers, they show the suitable diameter range for which it has been made. As you can see in the attached tables each (SEE PDF document) each side tie has a suitable diameter range of application.
Example: RLOAA 093-099 is a aluminized steel for a conductor with a diameter from 9,31 to 9,90 mm. Must be added the type of insulator.
Besides the colour code of the conductor for which they are made, it is marked the colour of identification of the insulator. This denomination is completed with the letter D if it is right hand lay, or with the letter I if it is left hand lay.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fitting must be identical, to the outer layer of the specified cable.
Finish and Appearance The rods of the fitting are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to specified cable. The RLO side ties are made into a ring, in such way that they fit in the groove of the insulator. All the side ties are supplied with a neoprene pad, it is put in the contact area between the conductor and the insulator to protect the conductor.

All solutions in Side ties:
Galvanized side ties -for Aluminium, Aluminium-Steel, Aluminium-ACS – Aluminized steel side ties -for Aluminium, Aluminium-Steel, Aluminium-ACS cables- Copper clad steel (CCS) side ties -for copper conductors-
ALUMINIZED STEEL DISTRIBUTION TIES. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The aluminized steel distribution ties have the main function to fix the cables to the head of the insulator.

The denomination for the aluminized steel distribution tie is the following:
Retención en Cabeza Zeta de Distribución=Aluminized steel distribution tie, with the numbers, that they show the suitable diameter range for which it has been made. As you can see in the attached tables , each fitting has an application diameter range.
Besides the colour code of the cable for which they have been made, it is marked the colour identification of the specified insulator. This denomination is completed with the letter D if it is right hand lay, or with the letter I if it is left hand lay.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fitting must identical, to the outer layer of the specified conductor.
Finish and Appearance The rods of the fitting are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to the specified conductor. The RCZD (distribution ties) are made a ring in such way they fit to the insulator and to the conductor. The distribution ties are supplied with a neoprene pad, it is put in the contact area between the conductor and the insulator to protect both of them.
Aluminized steel distribution ties For Aluminium, Aluminum-Steel, Aluminium-ACS If you want to know all the technical specifications, download the PDF document. SPLICE OF COMPLETE TRACTION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The splice of complete traction has the main function to join two equals cables or strands, the guarantee of the mechanical characteristics to a traction load is total.

Empalme de Tracción Mecanica = splice of complete traction with two letters meaning the raw material which they are made from, AC (Acero galvanizado=galvanized steel), AW (ACS), following with the numbers they show the suitable diameter for which it has been made. As you can see in the attached tables, each splice has an application diameter range.
Example: ETMAC 073-077/Izda(left hand lay) is a galvanized steel splice of complete traction for a cable with a diameter between 7,30 to 7,70 mm and left hand lay.
Besides the colour code of the fitting shows the center of the fitting, and indicate the starting point for application, to join the cables. This denomination is completed with the letter D if ti is right hand lay and with the letter I if it is left hand lay.
VERY IMPORTANT: The lay direction of the fitting must be identical to the outer layer of the specified cable.
Finish and Appearance The rods of these fittings are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the application and to the specified cable.
All the splices are gritted inside with a non-slip material . Galvanized steel splice of complete traction -For steel cables or strands- Splices of complete traction aluminium clad steel (ACS) -For ACS cables or strands-